NESAM - A School for Mentally Challenged Children Images
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Age : 12 years
Father's name : Mahendran
Occupation : Worker in a welding workshop
Mother's name : Devi & Worker
Siblings : Two normal younger brothers
Residence Address : 2, Chinna Dhandukara street,
  Arcot, Vellore dist.,
Parthibhan. M

Nature of disability :
His physical appearance and speech are normal. But he shakes his head often. He looks dull. His behavior is violent like he adamant; he bites and beats others. He collects used bits of cigars and holds in the mouth.
Medical history :
He was born in a normal delivery. He often gets fits, for which he is under medication.
Training given at 'Nesam' :
To prevent him from going into bad habits, he is advised by the teachers patiently.
He is made to concentrate in lessons. The alphabets and numbers are being taught. He is asked to identify his name as well as other pictures with their names.
Health awareness and cleanliness are being taught. Though he is able to do his activities of daily life himself, he does not know to maintain cleanliness.
He is advised not to shake his head often.
Painting of the pictures and making paper envelopes are taught as vocational training.

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